
A happy, peppy instrument for players of all ages.




You should definitely check out our ukuleles. Ukes are cool, they're affordable, they're easy, and they're fun. Younger beginners in particular are better served by the small necks, four nylon strings, and ease of play. But ukes are a happy, peppy instrument for players of all ages.

They're not just for beginners, either. We have ukes for players of every skill level and in every size. Garten's has the best selection of ukuleles in Wichita - we often have 100 ukes in stock. You owe it to yourself to come take a look at a ukulele from Amahi, Mahalo, Flight, and brands you won't find anywhere else in Wichita, like Teton, Eddy Finn, Islander (a division of Hawaii's Kanile'a Ukes), and MORE.

Need some one-on-one instruction? We can help with that too - we offer private ukulele lessons six days a week!

Contact us

Call : (316) 942-1337
Text : (316) 661-6605
Store Hours 9:30-5:30 Tues.-Fri. 10:00-4:00 Sat.


Location: 4235 W. Central
Wichita KS 67212